A key part of my MMP focuses on cyber stalking and anonymous trolling, as well as the important aspects of Catfishing. The reason that I decided to include cyber stalking and trolling is because it is such a common occurrence online, and some people tend to forget about it- or not regard it for the crime that it is. There are very high cases of cyber stalking in young people and, according to the novel 'Cyber Crime Fighters: Tales from the Trenches' Sixty-six percent of stalkers pursue their victim at least once per week.
This is why I decided to interview Natalie. After trying to get into contact with people via email but failing, I took to Twitter to ask if anyone would feel happy sharing their experience with online anonymous harassment, which is when Natalie came forward. She explained her story to me on message, and I knew that she would be vital to telling the story that I wanted to tell in my MMP project.
Listen to Natalie's story below:
Natalie Reeves Billing was cyber stalked and harassed by an individual leaving derogatory comments on both her personal and business social sites.
The comments would vary from things about her past that she didn't want shared to things discussing where she had been and what she had worn that day.
She later discovered that it was her ex boyfriend who had been anonymously stalking her, although he tried to convince her that it wasn't him
Natalie tried going to the police but found that it was so help for her situation.
I asked Natalie what some of the comments that she received were like:
What is Cyber Stalking?
Cyber Stalking is the repeated use of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone. According to WHOA, (the organisation Working to Stop Online Abuse) 60% of cyberstalking victims are women. And in 53% of cases, people had some prior knowledge og who the stalker was . In 47% of cases where the attacker had previous knowledge of the victim- the stalker was an ex partner.